Academic Policies

Portfolio, Assessment

Students Life

Safe learning and development environment for all

Help and Support

Students are provided help and support in their academic, research matters

Portfolio Management

The profiles are maintained in electronics and paper formats in every school and the systems in secure environment. The information is kept and collected as per Privacy Laws.

Quality and Standard

The courses outlines, are developed as per above quality frame work, and approved text for Grade 1-12 by the Ontario Government.

Weightage and GPA

  • Attendance 5%
  • Discipline/Teachers 5%
  • Assignments/Projects 20%
  • Mid Term Examinations 30%
  • Final Examinations 40& = TOTAL 100%

The assessments will be done by calculating Grade Point Average (GPA).

GPA Percentage Rating

  • A = 80% to 99% Excellent
  • B = 70% to 79% Very Good
  • C = 61% to 69% Good
  • D = 51% to 60% Average This is the minimum standard of MG
  • E = 31% to 50% Marginal Pass
  • F = 1% to 30% Fail

Qualified Teachers and Staff

The qualified teachers and staff are hired for the assignments.

Career Counseling

The students are provided career and academic counseling by qualified Academic Advisers.

Admissions and Registrations

The Admissions and Registrations criteria is set for every level, e.g. if any students is getting admission in grade 4, he or she must have completed grade three education.

Computer Labs and Library

All students are given access to Library and labs for their research and assignments.

Examinations and Assignments

  • Entrance Test
  • Research Assignments/Projects
  • KG1-2 No Examinations
  • Grade 1 to 12 Mid Term and Final Examination
  • At Grade 12 40 Hours Practical Work

Test and Examinations

In Ontario, province wide assessment is administered by the crown corporation called the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO). The EQAO administrate tests in:

  • Grade 3, including the subjects reading, writing, and mathematics
  • Grade 4, including the subject, reading, math, a multiple choice
  • Grade 6, including the subjects reading, writing, and mathematics.
  • Grade 9, which only includes a mathematics test
  • Grade 10, literacy test is a graduation requirement

The grade 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11 and 12 Examinations are conducted by the MG Academy and partner institutions.

The students who successfully complete grade 1-12, are awarded certifictes and diploms as follows:

  • Primary School Certificate (completion of 4 year education)
  • Middle (Intermediate) School Certificate (completion of 3 year education)
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) after completion of grade 12 Education

Career Training

  • Certificate of short course (credit courses)
  • Diploma of short course (credit course)

Health, Safety and Security

  • The school doors, classes and breaks are to be supervised
  • At least two qualified first and CPR faculty and staff required
  • Security has to be present at all the times in side and around the partner institutions
  • CCTV to be installed wherever possible

News Letters

The MG and Partners institutions are to maintain and send its news letters to all stake holders from time to time

Extra Curricular Activities

The break, tour and extra curricular activities are to be organized and supervised the MG and partner institutions.


Contracted Transportation is to be used for those who need transportation.

Pick and Drop

The parents and assigned persons are to pick and drop students, under supervision. The secondary school students are considered adults, they cam come and go themselves in break and closing